Aug 26, 2019
How can you be a badass creative entrepreneur and make money doing what you love?
This week on Creativity School, I talk to Jennifer Perkins, a creative content designer and crafter for places like HGTV and DIY Network. Jennifer has worked in the creative industry as an author, editor, and television host, for over 20 years, and she’s also the host of Creative Queso, a podcast all about the business of being creative.
If you want to learn more about how to make money with the things you make, how to overcome the discomfort of self promotion and do it without turning people off, how to network when you hate networking, how to prevent boredom in your creative work, AND SO MUCH MORE - tune in because you’ll love this episode!
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**Today’s episode is brought to you by Audible! If you want to get started with a free audiobook download and 30 day free trial head over to at
Mentioned in this episode:
The importance of having multiple streams of income
How to prevent yourself from getting bored of your work when you turn it into a business
Overcoming the discomfort of promoting yourself and your work
How to network when you hate networking
Why having ADD in your creativity should be something we embrace
Website | Creative Queso | Instagram
Thank you so much for listening!
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