Jan 28, 2019
Are you someone who feels like you don’t know what you like or what you’re good at? Do you feel like your life is so busy with work or parenthood, that you don’t even have the time to figure it out?
Trust me. We can relate.
Sylvia Ray says she didn’t know what she liked or was good at throughout most of her life. After becoming a mom of 2 young boys, she started feeling antsy but completely clueless about what she wanted to do.
Sylvia finally found the passion she had been looking for her entire life through filmmaking. Using what little time she had, she explored and looked for inspiration where she could, eventually teaching herself how to write, edit, produce and direct films. And in just 2 short years (without going to school!), her films have been screened coast to coast, her work has been featured on major websites like The Huffington Post, and more.
In this episode she shares about her journey from feeling stuck, to working through her fears of sharing her work, to become a rising filmmaker - all while being a busy mom of 2 young boys.
Mentioned in this episode:
The steps Sylvia took to start exploring what she liked and was good at
Her first steps to learning how to become a filmmaker without going to school
What one of the best gifts about being a new creative is
How to create your work while being a stay at home mom
How to balance the struggle with parenting and working
How moms without help and a support system can start to explore their creativity
How Sylvia gets used to her work being rejected and why keeping perspective is so essential
Her advice for those who have no idea what they want to do
Her process for filmmaking and getting her work out there
How her Korean/Mexican identity influences her storytelling and work
What an executive at NBC told her that shifted her mindset
How exploring your creativity can feel like therapy (in a good way!)
The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron
Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert
Thank you so much for listening!
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